Marketing Manager

Import contacts, create audience tags, and conceptualize campaigns all from your marketing dashboard in BETA thanks to our MailChimp integration.

Import Contacts

Opt-in form

Collect marketing opt-ins directly in your waiver. Or embed subscription links in event follow-up emails.

Import your climbers

BETA helps you import your existing climbers & visitors into MailChimp. Set up an opt-in template, then import your climbers as pending subscribers until they confirm.

Stay GDPR-compliant

BETA is based in Europe so you don't have to worry about breaking privacy or marketing laws. We're fully GDPR-compliant.

Build custom widgets

Make it theirs

Set a list of events or products to omit or show, send a booking link for a single event, and designate any of our integrated payment methods to customize your widgets.

Don't overload people with irrelevant information -- guide them through their journey into your facility with select widgets to keep them focused and improve booking completion rates.

Make it yours

Use your brand colors on any of our widgets. You can even deploy your own version of the BETA app that shows your facility only.

Know your niche

We all have a feeling for what our gym offers. Back that feeling up with numbers. Create audiences and campaigns using the insights on your dashboard.

Learn more about insights
Integrated with MailChimp - take your marketing to the next level. Launch campaigns with BETA as your platform.