Unlock the power of personalized communication

Forget about manual email follow-ups: Engage your users effortlessly while providing them with a tailor-made experience.

Let BETA do the heavy lifting.

Basic transactional emails

Reminders and confirmations

Send confirmation emails when users book events or make purchases in any of your online widgets. Send a copy of a signed document or collect email address validation without lifting a finger. Share transaction receipts and send emails to event participants in a single click.

Customize your communications

Climbers automatically receive emails with your gym logo, signature, and contact details. No extra configuration required.

Further customize your event confirmation email templates and use variable text to use the same customization for multiple events.

Advanced Transactional Emails

Make a list

Choose from a set of event triggers like first gym attendance or finalizing an online purchase to add a recipient to your transactional email list.

Check it twice

Remove any climbers from your email list who meet a set of resolve criteria, like having a current active membership or falling outside a given demographic.

BETA handles opt-outs

Allow your members to opt out of communications.

Ready to get BETA?
Simply gym access, the smart way