Rota Management

BETA's Rota Management tool: syncs with your events calendar, handles shift swaps, sick leave requests, and integrates with Time Sheets & Payroll for seamless staff management.

Shift tracking & rota calendar

Track shifts quickly and easily

Monitor staff schedules, spot gaps, and make changes with ease. Swap shifts, handle sick leave, and ensure seamless operations, all through a user-friendly interface.

Keep your team in the loop! Tag shifts with roles to let your staff know their tasks in advance.

Overlay your schedule with your events calendar, ensuring you're always covered.

Whether it's morning routesetting or afternoon desk duty, no more guessing – just a happy and team ready to rock their tasks.

Build your staff schedule in minutes

Auto-scheduling makes shift planning a breeze – duplicate previous weeks' schedules in seconds.Stay organized with our Google Calendar integration that you can effortlessly share with your team.

Power your gym!

Employee schedule hub

Make your staff's lives easier!

The BETA app lets employees quickly request shift changes, see their upcoming schedules, and clock in and out. With our time tracker and timesheet, keeping tabs on work hours across different roles in your climbing gym is a breeze.

Staff reporting

Payrolls and time sheets

Streamline payrolls and time sheets while gaining a thorough understanding of your team's contributions. It's all about data-driven efficiency and informed decision-making!

See how many hours go into each role and calculate labor costs

Discover exactly where time is spent, thanks to tagged roles. Whether you prefer a concise breakdown per person or a general activity log, BETA's reports adapt to your needs. Use our standard shift tags (Desk, Manager, Cafe, Events, Routesetting or create your own.

QuickBooks integration

Send your daily reports directly to QuickBooks for further processing. Save yourself time and ensure accuracy in your accounting.

Track productivity, attendance, and billable hours with a smart & simple time tracker and timesheet.

  • Auto-scheduling
  • Duplication of schedules
  • Link shifts to BETA events
  • Auto-email notifications
  • Leave requests

  • Shift swapping
  • Google Calendar Integration
  • Intuitive interface for staff
  • Real-time updates on mobile devices

Track productivity, attendance, and billable hours with a simple time tracker and timesheet.